Proving again there's no tragedy too profound to be mined for shallow political gain, the Bush administration is proud to announce their 9/11 Parade and Country Music Jamboree, the 'America Supports You Freedom Walk'.
Sickened only begins to describe my response to this depraved plot to further trivialize and demean the memories of those who died in the towers by the cowards in power.
What next, the America Supports You Freedom Mechanical Bull Ride?
Bush can't make time for the mother of a dead serviceman during his five week vacation, but he can for this ridiculous bund rally?
Pathetic and nauseating.
He has met with her once already. How many times should he meet with her? What do I have to do to get my first meeting?
But I do 100% agree with the concert being a bad idea.
well, as for what you need to do, I think the context of her position makes it obvious, if not recommended.
And her issue is the cavalier and offhand way he dealt with the death of her son during their first meeting, and her desire to express the feelings that brought up for her.
Of course, her point has been driven home much more forcefully and on a much greater scale by his stubborn refusal to see her again and by the cavalier and offhand public remarks he's made concerning her position in the last week or so.
And I wouldn't really care about this issue if Bush didn't make such a huge effort to downplay and ignore the subject of American casualties in public- these 'family meetings' are always behind closed doors.
It's so obviously a part of an orchestrated media strategy to distract the public from the actual cost of the conflict that it rasises the profile of anyone who calls attention to it, as Sheehan has.
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