
How did they publish this issue with their heads so far up their asses?

Premiere magazine has squeezed out one of those inevitable lists of something arbitrary guaranteed to ignite controversy...in this case, a half-baked list of the top 20 "overrated" films in movie history.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. A Beautiful Mind
3. An American in Paris
4. American Beauty
5. Chariots of Fire
6. Chicago
7. Clerks
8. Easy Rider
9. Fantasia
10. Field of Dreams
11. Forrest Gump
12. Gone With the Wind
13. Good Will Hunting
14. Jules and Jim
15. Monster's Ball
16. Moonstruck
17. Mystic River
18. Nashville
19. The Red Shoes
20. The Wizard of Oz

Ok, on reflection calling it 'half baked' is unreasonably generous...it hasn't even been prepped yet, it's a pile of raw ingridients on the sideboard. Nobody bothered to peel the onions or throw out the rotten bits of lettuce, and I think the oil is rancid.

To take only the most bizarre, egrigious example to task, I'll just say I don't think it's possible to overrate Easy Rider, whatever you think of it as a movie.

A film that single-handedly upset the apple cart of the decades-old Studio System?
That ushered in the artistic renaissance of the 1970's?
That CREATED 'independent' cinema?


I don't think they should let the interns near the printers anymore.

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