
Benny Hinn

When I worked at Angelo's with Hudson we had a waitress for a brief period who was a nut for religious con-man Benny Hinn.

Hudson being Hudson, she inevitably showed up at our door one night with a stack of literature and a Benny Hinn video we "had to see"- this was akin to the time I came home and found the retarded Kennedy conspiracy theorist who wore fatigues and a camo duck hunter's vest 24/7 splitting a pizza with Hudson in our living room.

I strained something deep inside by restraining my laughter during his performance, which involved yelling about healing then smacking people in the forehead so they fell over backward into the arms of his large, be-suited pack of sycophants.
Most of the faithful were happy to play along with the charade, howling, rolling their eyes and juddering as if struck by holy lighting. The recalcitrant were dealt with by the suits- anyone failing to show the proper enthusasm after being struck with Benny's divine forehead slap was swiftly wrestled to the ground and dragged offstage.

A long setup for a fairly short punchline, but I got a kick out of this clip of his wife putting the anal fear into disbelievers.

Apparently Benny is suing to have them take it down, so get it while it's hot.

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