
On Chickenhawks

There's a new blog on the block, dedicated to providing a venue for liberal veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces to fire back at Cowardly Karl Rove, who made recent intemperate remarks conflating liberals and Democrats with terrorist-abeting traitors.

You can check it out right here.
Here's a sample:

I'm an honorably discharged, Vietnam-era veteran of the U. S. Army. Rove was and is a chickenhawk, as are all of today's young republican cowards who want other people to fight the war they demanded.

Rove and any other fascist asshole who wants to call me a traitor, or accuse me of anything else they made up, is welcome to come and say it to my face.

We can expect more attempts to mine 9/11 for political gain as Bush's approval ratings continue to seek groundwater. Shoring up the religious fringe base can only go so far and the administration's standing with independent voters has been hammered flat in the past month or so. Only continued near-unanimous support from self-described Republicans is keeping his nose above the 40% mark.

And as an aside, have you ever seen a more blatant self-loathing closeted homosexual than Karl Rove? I wish we still carried The Advocate, they always had good dish on high profile closet cases.

It's pretty clear how gay prostitute Jeff Gannon, aka Jeff Guckert, got endless day passes to the White House press room to lob softball questions to the administration.
The only question is if he did the pitching in Rove's hotel room as well.

And yet more funny from those young Republican warmongers, all in a froth over the necessity of sending other people, poor people, to grapple and die in the sand.

clicky, clicky

My favorite tidbit:
"I physically probably couldn't do a whole lot" in Iraq, said Tiffanee Hokel, 18, of Webster City, Iowa, who called the war a moral imperative...

"We don't have to be there physically to fight it," she said.

They've learnt well from the idols in the current administraion, haven't they?
Future Chickenhawks of the GOP Unite!

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