
Bug Me Not

As pointed out in the comments by my good pal Dango, I link to things behind compulsory registration from time to time.

Never fear, friends. Far be it from me to force my e-chums to fictionalize endless biographies to appease the insatiable net.

Over to the right you will see a set of links under the heading "sites of general utility". Bug Me Not is what you want in this situation. Enter the URL of just about any semi-popular web page and it will reward you with a working login and password.

If you're running Firefox (which you should be by now...) I have an even better prize: The Bug Me Not plugin (scroll down a bit, although his other plugins are also neat). Just right-click in the registration field and it'll fill in the relevant info.

Like magic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inconcievable! I love it. The photo's were great, stark... almost haunting. Hard to imagine they were just shots of real life and not choreographed.

Great to find you again, thanks for the linky gordo.