
quote of the day: G.K.Chesterton

You’ve got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor. Why should it? The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn’t; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists.

— G.K. Chesteron


Moorlock said...

That's hilariously wrong. It's hard to find an example of a rich person who wasn't made rich and kept rich thanks to government. It takes violent coercion to amass and defend vast amounts of ill-gotten gains, and government allows the rich to socialize the cost of this violent coercion.

How is it that liberals can spend all day complaining about how this law and that law are being written by big business, enforced by revolving-door bureaucrats, amended by bought politicians, all under the influence of fat-cat lobbyists... and then call for more government, more regulation, more taxes like that'll solve the problem? The boat's sinking! There must not be enough holes in the hull!

baxie said...

The modern global economy has freed the wealthy from the chains of any specific government- there is no loyalty to any given nation as they can play one off against the other and indeed "sail off to New Guinea", figuratively if not literally, if they grow disenchanted.

Government well run, like business well run, does its job admirably.