
True Fuss Tales: This Morning

Two good quotes from our morning together.

First, we're on the couch with some buenies and I called him a baby.

"Dada, I'm not a baby!"

"No? Well, what are you then?


Proof he does (occasionally) listen to me!

And a bit later, we were playing Play Doh and while crouching on the coffee table he declared

"Dada, I LOVE you I LOVE you I LOVE you I LOVE you I LOVE you I LOVE YOU!"

loudly enough to wake up the wife and prompt the sleepy comment "That was pretty great" from the bedroom.

Lest this idyll create a false impression of unending delight, I emerged from the shower roughly 45 minutes later to find the wife in the hallway growling red-faced "he WOULDN'T GET DRESSED and I CAN'T FIND THE KEYS."

In the living room Fuss sat unconcerned in the midst of epic devastation, the finale of A Better Tomorrow II essayed with Play Doh instead corpses.
If he'd been holding a samurai sword, it would have been perfect.

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