In chronological order:
Mister Donut
It was liberated from a shop in Japan by the wife's not-quite-ex boyfriend, moonlighting as an English teacher. We'd just started seeing each other in earnest after a few false starts. Soon her tentative plans to cross the pond were dissolving in waves of 3am transatlantic calls.
I kept the cup in the settlement.
Bird Cup
When the whole bird thing was manifesting in the run-up to the Fuss' conception and birth I tripped over this beauty on the sale table at Urban Outfitters.
I like their sale table. I almost always find something worthwhile amidst the fluff & detritus the cool kids have passed over.
Diner Mug
Purchased from the coffee shop next to the store.
It weighs about five pounds empty and embodies one of my favorite design dichotomies- an aesthetically pleasing object that achieved its form by elevating function over all other considerations.
That ends badly nine times out of ten, but once in a great while the destination is sublime.
This one would be equally at home in a 1940's greasy spoon or the cupboard of Silverlake hipster.
Personally, I love my piggly wiggly cup.
pix or it didn't happen.
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