
a solemn promise to my readers

no fake April Fool's nonsense from me!

I remember when the shenanigans were constrained to outlandish stories from friends and the de riguer fake article in the newspaper, which was bearable.

Alas, the internet has provided legions of juvenile mentalities with giant bullhorns, so you can't really leave your e-house without being buried in a cascade of bullpucky.

The problem is 'jokes' that are credible enough to be believed ARE believed and create eddies and currents of disinformation. Jokes that aren't credible tend to be...uh, not funny I guess is the kindest thing to say.

Of all my usual haunts only Slashdot found a solution to the conundrum, turning the whole site into an April 1st fantasyland of nonsense.

And they also provided a link to the best individual 'joke' I've seen so far- a review of Duke Nukem Forever, the most notorious piece of vaporware in gaming history.

So, a happy pracical joke-free April Fool's Day to you, my readers.

More updates coming later today- I'm having issues because the new computer at home means a new Firefox install, which means a cleared web cache, which means trying to remember what the hell my password is.

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