
more for DT

In a bout of shameless pandering to my few loyal readers, I present this David Eggars bit on America's conflicted relationship with soccer because I dimly remember you mentioning him once. Hopefully it was in a positive context...

Our continued indifference to the sport worshipped around the world can be easily explained in two parts. First, as a nation of loony but determined inventors, we prefer things we thought of ourselves. The most popular sports in America are those we conceived and developed on our own: [American] football, baseball, basketball. If we can claim at least part of the credit for something, as with tennis or the radio, we are willing to be passively interested. But we did not invent soccer, and so we are suspicious of it.

Also, your man David Foster Wallace has a new collection of essays out, headlined by that Lobster article you tipped me off about a while back.

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