
welcome James & Courtney to the Baxblog family

They survived their visit to the 'barn dance' in Kentucky, so it's likely they can absorb the literary punishment I dish out here on the daily.

Also, it will expand my appeal to the 'salt of the earth' Midwestern demographic so prized by advertisers.

But I admit a little fuzzy on what constitutes the 'Midwest'...anything east of Bakersfield is suspect to this lifetime coast dweller.

I know DT's Brother lives there.
DT's Brother's Brother is borderline....Pittsburgh leans 'east', am I right? Or is 'rust belt' a whole 'nother classification?

And I think I deserve half credit for Bobo and Anner, since they dwelt in New Jersey for several years. Sure, it's technically east coast, but it's such a hole....New York sucked all the life out of it, like a giant tumor.

Anyway, geographic maundering aside, welcome to J & C.
Milk Bowling Green for the degree and the get the hell back to civilization!

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