
Mal's Mix Tape: Track One

So roughly ten years ago my buddy Mal sent me a gargantuan mix CD with the stipulation I provide detailed feedback. Which is, y'know, no problem when you're single and in your 20's,the 'me' in the forefront when I chat with Mal. That was my position when I knew him back when, and ever after we've been mostly internet pals where nobody ever ages.

The unfortunate reality is being a dad in your mid 40's is a different deal.
Previous attempts to address the injustice of my prolonged silence have run aground on various sandbars and rocky shoals so this time I'm keeping it to the bare minimum (aside from the previous explanatory paragraph): One post for each cut, and I leave the unraveling of any overarching meaning to you, my dear readers.

So, track one:

Alcest: Printemps Emeraude

The good thing about a mix tape (a good mix tape) is providing context for stuff you'd otherwise skip past. This is an excellent example- not a track that immediately spoke to me, but when put forth by someone's who's musical acumen I have absolute respect for I kept an open mind.

French metal, not really my thing. The production is a little too clean, the moments of contemplation a touch premeditated...but, wait, that's a fine wall of guitar squall sweeping in from the wings. And the track as a whole has a certain operatic grandiosity that works well as the opening salvo of a double disc set. A track that grew on me as I put the disc through a comprehensive COMMUTE TORTURE TEST over the course of several months.


Malderor said...

I recollect my feelings from when my SF Giants won the World Series; "Wait, is this really happening?"

Malderor said...

Also, it was only later that I learned that "shoegaze" was in your wheelhouse. We kicked off with this track completely ignorant of such facts. Surely that wins it some points.