
True Customer Tales: Too Many Words

A not obviously deranged guy comes up to the counter with some books, noticing a just-priced copy of Moby Dick.

guy: Yeah, did you ever read Moby Dick?

me: Yep, sure did.

guy: Wow, that was one book I just couldn't finish. I mean, you know? A hundred different words for 'white'? I had to put it down!

me: Huh.

guy: But, you know, that's those 19th century writers...buncha Puritans with sticks up their asses! I took the Teacher Aptitude test one time, I missed it by four points. You know, because of Silas Marner or some shit. I mean, I'm reading Dostoevsky, Balzac...there's a whole world out there, not just these stuck up Americans!

me: Huh.

guy: You ever read any Faulkner?

me, wising up: Nope!

guy: Lucky! Give me Orwell any day. Faulkner...Jesus. Too many words, man!

This has been your weekly ration of in depth literary criticism. Thank me later.

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