What an enlightened age, when sporting a lime green windbreaker with a huge Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic emblazoned across the back doesn't instantly disqualify a scruffy young dude from having a cute, seemingly well adjusted girlfriend.
Being a member of the generation just before the internet mainstreamed Nerd Chic and Geek Culture is irritating. I mean I'm happy the current crop of weirdos will largely escape the stigma and approbation heaped on the geeks and nerds of my era, but the selfish codger inside grumbles that the kids today don't appreciate how easy they have it, not having to walk five miles uphill to buy comics at the gas station/convenience store, braving the winos & degenerates pawing the porn and detective magazines to snatch them from a wire spinner rack.
I mean, they not only get to buy comics from clean, well lit joints like Dr. Cains, but also have girlfriends?
So unfair.
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