
worst jewelry I've ever seen

a middle aged dude, late 40's early 50's, with a good amount of graying ear hair, had a GOLDEN SPERM EAR STUD.

It inspired a genuine double-take as I was ringing him up.



Moorlock said...

Maybe he did his Masters thesis on pollywogs.

baxie said...

don't I wish!

Black Pit of Lag said...

Did he give you a come hither stare?

woodyb3 said...

Next time tell him its interesting looking so you can get PIX.

Anonymous said...

i am thinking of getting one of the golden sperms for the next months whilst i am trying to knock up the old lady. but it might attract more than I can handle. james

baxie said...

I'd recommend a nose stud for impregnating purposes- closer to the mucous membranes.