
progress report

Fuss has taken his walking to the next level.
Not content to merely wander across rooms or down hallways, he's started charging around while waving his arms over his head like a monkey. Alternatively, he'll take a stroll waiving some relatively heavy impliment in the air with one hand- his metal harmonium top, or the wife's new copy of War & Peace by the good translators.

Plain walking isn't enough of a challenge, he's got to up the degree of difficulty.

Also, yesterday he said 'banana'.
I got a couple of repetitions to confirm the evidence of my ears.
First time around it sounded like "guh-nuh-nuh".
Following some banana waving and encouragement from me, he reprised it as

Smart boy!

To underscore the point, moments after posting Fuss reared up and demanded breakfast by shouting "NAH-NAH!" at me.

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