
what's a good man bag?

Or, if you prefer, 'murse'.
My old, dilapidated shoulder bag has vanished, with, I suspect, a helping hand from the wife.
As I doubt I'll find another suitable satchel where Old Faithful hailed from (the Gap sale rack for $3.95), it's time to shop around.

I was eyeballing one of these numbers, but after this last birthday I'm leery of anything you can pick up at Urban Outfitters. I'd prefer to avoid the demographic delusion of the 50 year old gal who thinks the alchemy of belly tee and nose ring will lure the sweet bird of youth back to its cage.

But neither am I in the market for one of those ostentatious leather numbers all the balding dudes at the cafe tote their Macbooks around in.

Who's got a bag they like?
Preferably under a c-note.
Link me!


Patric said...

Oooo! Bright red! Get some matching shoes!

baxie said...

i'm too practical for a red Murse.
Think 'gray' or 'black'.

Ivan said...

im the bald guy with the leather bag:


baxie said...

how is that futuristic?
It looks like something Wyatt Earp would use to haul ammo.

also BALD > BALDING, mmmk.

Black Pit of Lag said...

your opinions on balding are irrelevant you long-haired murse-wearing girly-man.
yours in haste,
Dr. Balding.

ps - my murse is a black canvas banana republic one.

Jordan in Texas said...

It's European!!

woodyb3 said...

I like Eagle Creek stuff.

teri said...

Hey Teeb, this company has some fun retro style shoulder bags. They're out of the UK but they ship worldwide. inretro.net

Bill E. said...

I'm a Timbuk2 man, myself.



baxie said...

I have a (mostly irrational) aversion to Timbuk2 because a former housemate left a big purple and green one behind and I adopted it for a while.

It was not a happy relationship.