
early in the morning

A special event inspired early rising by the entire household today- the annual Daisy Hill Puppy Fa...er, the Daisy Hill Trailer Park yard sale!

I rose at 6:30 to pack the books, Fuss followed at 7 (having slept relatively well in the wake of his second tooth breaking through) and woke the wife with a friendly kick to the head, and we all rousted Megan by doing the Pogo on her bedroom ceiling.

The up side was [i]old timey[/i] prices on everything. It hearkened back to the halcyon days before Ebay gave every thrift store in California delusions of boutique grandeur.

Albums a quarter each, or five for a dollar. There was a five drawer file cabinet for six bucks and a big metal shelving unit for three, I'd have nabbed both for the garage if we had a way to get them home.

I picked up an orange enameled soup tureen with matching ladle for a buck fifty, filled a grocery bag with books for two bucks, nabbed a spinning wooden spice rack with about 20 empty glass vials for 50 cents and grabbed a handful of assorted utensils (citrus zester, cool old wooden spoons, metal crepe spatula) for a quarter each.

Meggsie grabbed an armload of albums, mostly classical. The wife bought a cool bowl inlaid with middle eastern motifs for Meggsie, and picked up a grocery bag full of puzzles that were two for a quarter- a steal even by the debased standards of Daisy Hill.

The Fuss accepted the worship of the gathered oldsters with equanimity- they clustered and trailed behind him like a kings retinue. The royal demeanor was reinforced by his furry royal blue pony coat with the gold lining.

After loading the trunk with our finds we went out to breakfast, not noticing until too late that it was time for Fuss' first nap.

Meggs caught a couple literally peeking around the corner at Fuss and whispering to each other, and invited them in for an audience. They were suitably appreciative.

He maintained until just after the food arrived and then nothing would suit but a stroll through the adjoining nursery clinging to my shoulder, ogling the fountains and shrubs.

All in all a fine outing.

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