
Site of the Day

Cilantro Lovers Unite

Photo captions are the win.

bonus link:

Why the Japanese Are Awesome, pt 529


Ivan said...

that cilantro page is hilarious

Black Pit of Lag said...

I find this image

baxie said...

why, because they aren't sitting on a movement tray?

baxie said...

and I may have to add fuck yeah cilantro to the BLOGROLL.

Good Enough Woman said...

Love the cilantro site. What a great juxtaposition of profanity and reverence.

Anonymous said...

Maybe there is something in cilantro that if you eat enough of it, it inspires that kind of delusional fanaticism. I say this because some crazy guy came into the sub (another breeding ground for crazies) and was preaching the cilantro gospel so hardcore. I think he might have said it cured his cancer. -meggsie