
Musique Non Stop

Gave a listen to Neko Case's latest and like it quite a bit better than Fox Confessor. It emphasizes the brooding sound of Blacklisted over the folksy vibe of Fox, which is my preferred setting for her high wire vocal theatrics.
Edit out the 30 minutes of frog noises that constitute the final track and you have a solid winner.

Alas for my recent analog conversion, it isn't available on vinyl.
Well, unless you count a UK import for $30.

My other recent find is School of Seven Bells, a mostly electronic outfit powered by the harmonies of twin sister vocalists. And I've always been a sucker for harmony.
If I had one gripe it would be the same one I have with nearly all electronica- a lack of bottom end. But it's such a lovely assemblage I can't complain too loudly. If you're looking for a pigeonhole, 'shoegaze' will do as well as anything else.
Here's a sample-

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