
V Day

I picked up a bouquet for the wife in spite of her wordy protestations that we skip this year.
"This time I'm serious!" she concluded.
I was not fooled.

A bouquet is a negligible price to pay for domestic harmony.

Devra was on Fuss Patrol when I arrived, watching The Dresser while the wife changed the bedding and did laundry.
Startling that an Albert Finney enthusiast hadn't seen his finest performance.

We seized the opportunity for a fuss-free stroll through the elfin forest. Sitting down and and watching the sun set without the goad of the Fuss at our backs, his insatiable thirst for novelty driving us ever forward, was sublime.

These are the pedestrian joys a child reduces you to, a carefree laundry day and viewing a sunset at your own pace.


Devra said...

And I get to squelch my breeding impulses by caring for a lovely Fuss! Everybody wins!

Anna said...

these are beautiful things no matter what :)

glad you and the missus got a moment to take it all in.