The Fuss yesterday, on our walk.
So about a month ago he started sitting up. A couple of days ago, just before his seven month 'birthday', he stood up unsupported for the first time.
I was reading in bed and he was clambering around on me like one of those fake rock walls on cruise ships. He scaled my leg and did his latest trick, taking one hand off and waving it around. He's been doing it for a few days, so I made encouraging noises but kept reading. Then he pulled back his other hand and was waving them BOTH around.
He stood for a few seconds, like the Coyote suspended in mid-air after speeding over the edge of the cliff, then fell over laughing.
Yesterday he staged a repeat performance for the wife, using his favorite box in the living room as a prop. Her yell of surprise spun me around in time to catch a glimpse before he tipped over.
Will he be walking next month? Soon, anyway.
All he ever wants is to be UP.
Aunt Burl was surprised at the way he locks his knees when you try to sit him down, and his eagerness to climb everything within reach. The Fiend had no such urge- if you tried to pull her up, she'd do the jelly leg until you stopped. Fuss has been standing up (with help) for months already.
He's a speedy crawler, but he doesn't approach it recreationally. It's just the intermediary stage between the place you set him down and nearest object low enough to grapple his way up.
His slacker parents view this boundless drive and ambition with happy bemusement, two old crows that somehow hatched a hummingbird.
1 comment:
holy cow how did that happen?
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