
video game activism

This one's pretty interesting even if you're not a gamer.

This cat logs into AA and types the names of casualties until someone caps him.
This sorta ties in with a queasy feeling I've always had about AA, and pretty much all contemporary war FPS's...it seems perverse for a game to ape something that's actually happening.

The beginning of the end of CS for me was 9/11...capering about as a terrorist trying to blow shit up lost much of it's savor. I've grown to appreciate more escapist escapism, be it faux superheroics of CoH or the faux Orwellian dystopia of HL2.

Of course, my bone-deep hatred of UbiSoft would be much more likely to stop me from picking up the latest Tom Clancy spec ops game for some co-op akshown with my pals than any faint rumblings of morality.

All the same, given the option I'll take fantasy or alternate reality over some rough approximation of the real thing. Probably the reason I prefer genre fiction over straight literature (much to my wife's dismay).

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