
Top 11 Spaceships

As chosen by a 20-something doofus who's knowledge of pop culture cuts off abruptly during the late 70's.

At the risk of once again drawing DT's ire, I will take exception to the methodology of the compiler....

Half the list is legit (gotta give props to the Enterprise and the Nostromo, and the Battlestar is classic), half is poop, but I was especially struck by the paucity of knowledge on display.

You'd expect a nerd writing a list for a site like UGO to have a little better depth of field when it comes to movie/tv spaceships. I can think of several deserving (and dare I say overlooked) ships without leaving the restrictive 70's-present timeframe of the article.

off the top of my head:

the bitchin' egg-carton looking shuttles from Space: 1999
the marine transport from Aliens
the last starfighter from The Last Starfighter (not only cool, but wrought with significance, as the first wholly CGI spaceship in cinema history)
The spacegoing arcology from Silent Running
And if you're going to pick one ship from the Star Wars films to represent, it's gotta be either the Falcon or the X-Wing, two of the absolute coolest ships EVAR. The entrace of the Start Destroyer at the beginning of the first movie is mind blowing, true, but the ship itself is just a triangle with some bits glued on, not very inspiring.

Oh wait, I'm being a little unfair, I see the author included the War of the Worlds ship...assuming he's talking about the classic 1950's George Pal version and not the Spielberg remake, apologies are tendered.

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