
day of updates!

After three days of drought, the surface of the Baxblog is a dessicated wasteland of cracked earth and crisp brown grass, littered with the carcasses of dying posts wheezing their last feeble breathes into the choking dust.

When, on the horizon, a looming wall of lightning-streaked clouds herald the coming storm.

Latch the shutters, lest the wet blast of updates shatter windows and ruin furniture and carpeting alike!

a scattering of showers to herald the blessed rain:

DIY home funerals
Disney being sued by the Hell's Angels
the Motorcycle PC, uniting two groups of geeks previously thought to be incompatible.
download and archive video from various popular sites.
Symantec pulls head out of ass, finally admits Firefox is safer than IE

...and I'm supposed to trust them to protect my PC?

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